FRIDAY, July 1st 20,40

A Poet for the Poets
Independent acting project
Dramaturge, Director, and Cast : Ivan Perković
Narrator: Renata Agostini

This poetic monodrama portrays the poet’s life spanning from his student days to his premature death. It contains biographical bits little-known to the general public and is a form of  documentary theatre. The poet’s life is very enigmatic  and contains many elements that attract today’s viewers: love, war, creativity, losses, the twists and turns of faith...
His poems parallel his state of mind. In order to understand his works, one must understand him first. That is why he has often been described as a hermetic poet, and in reality his thoughts are clear, they just need to be said aloud. Meet Momčilo Nastasijević, the greatest Serbian poet between the two world wars.
Ivan Perković
He graduated in the class of Elena Trepetova Kostić at the Academy of Art in Banja Luka. His acting thesis project was Thessalonians Speak (Solunci govore) by Antonio Đurić, and directed by Cisana Murusidze. It is on the repertoire of the National Theatre in Belgrade. Acting credits:
    Play The Hour We Knew Nothing of Each Other by Piter Handke, directed by Mladen Materić, co-production (Banja Luka, Paris, Lile, Toulouse), National Theatre of Republika Srpska
    Play Tom Sawyer, based on Mark Twain’s novel, role of Tom Sawyer, director: Jug Radivojević, Children’s Theatre of Republika Srpska
    Play Fourteenth (Četrnaesta), by Ana Đorđević, National Theatre of Republika Srpska (won Best play at the 30th Theatre Encounters B&H)
    Acting thesis project: Thessalonians Speak (Solunci govore)
    Independent acting project – monodrama A Poet for the Poets – Momčilo Nastasijević (20th Festival of Monodrama in East Sarajevo, Days of Momčilo Nastasijević, Days of Vlada S. Milošević)
    Solo project Life of Father Todor (Život oca Todora ovoga i onoga sveta), Momčilo Nastasijević
(Days of Momčilo Nastasijević, Chamber Theatre Festival – MP4 Theatre Fest)
    Short film One of Us by Anja Kavić
(Sarajevo Film Festival – Special Jury Award, Star Film Festival, Sisak- Grand Prix (Best Short Film), Belrgade Documentary and Short Film Festival – Best Regional Student Film, Dirigo Film Festival, UK - Best International Student Film, STIF, Rijeka – Special Jury Award)



Ivan Perković – A POET FOR THE POETS
This monodrama is inspired by the life and work of the poet Momčilo Nastasijević. The actor leads the play with great artistic skill, intertwining the poet’s life with his work. What makes this play special is its artistic depiction of the state in society which had a pivotal role on the poet’s life and work, and gives the play a distinct value and depth. The artist managed to bridge the gap between the distant, mysterous life of the great poet and audiences today, by exploring well-known topics such as: love, war, creativity, family, losses, the twists and turns of fate... Unfortunately, primarily due to limited resources, the following plays, although excellent, were not selected to be in this group – the play LAURA PLEASE by Nikola Rakočević and I, WHO HAVE HANDS MORE INNOCENT by Vesna Tominac Matačić, from Croatia.