The first play of the last day of competition was ANELIS, VISIONS ACCORDING TO ANNE FRANK’S DIARY, by Katarina Orlandić. Lost between dreams and reality, the horrors of fascism and the painfulness of everyday life, we only get glimpses of the innocent child’s soul of little Anne Frank condemned to rapid maturity and a sad end.

After Anelis, next on stage was mime act WORDLESS BUNUEL, based on Bunuel’s surreal tragicomedy, leading the audience on a unique path between dreams, visions and laughter.At the end of this year’s festival, last in the competition program, was Milena Živanović, performing Edith. A breath of fresh air for the end! Milena Živanović was full of emotion and sincerity as Edith Piaf, and her powerful and credible performance received the biggest applause of this year’s festival. Her stunning portrayal, coupled with a good selection of music and great original music, made us feel like Edith Piaf was right in front of us.After the competition part was over, the Belgrade Aphoristic Circle read selected aphorisms while we waited for the decisions of the Jury.