knjigaThe Festival of Monodrama and Mime has published a book about theatre art. The writer is theatrologist Radomir Putnik and his book is called “Recognizing a Theatre”. He is this year’s receiver of the lifetime achievement award “Lovorov venac”, given by the Theatre Museum of Vojvodina.

The book consists of five chapters: Playwrigths (Bertolt Brecht, Samuel Beckett, George Bernard Shaw, Alfred Jarry, Aleksandar Popović and Radoslav Zlatan Dorić), Dramaturgical Themes (about actors - Miloje Živanović, Innokenty Smoktunovsky, Branko Pleša, Petar Kralj, Ivan Jagodić, Tomislav Pejčić), Of Monodrama, About Television Drama, About Theatrology Books (books by Prof. Dr. Radoslav Lazić). Renowned painter, Milan Blanuša, illustrated the covers and the Municipality of Zemun helped with the publishing. It was printed at  the printing office “Birograf”. The book promotion took place on 28th June. Distinguished participants of the event were Dr. Marko Nedić, Dr. Zoran T. Jovanović, Milan Blanuša, Borislav Balać, Dr. Milovan Zdravković, Predrag Miletić and the author himself, Radomir Putnik.