Afterlife party with evergreen eve" - ​​Isidora Stanišić, Serbia

13.10.2022 - 21:30

0001 7

Choreography and performance by Isidora Stanišić
Music by Darja Janošević
Costume of Jasmin Panić Samsar
With the support of the Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Serbia, the Service Station for Contemporary Dance, KC MKM and the Gorgona Citizens' Association, Olivera Kecojević


"Afterlife party with Evergreen Eve" is a contemporary dance performance where author herself performs , which takes place in a tent for growing plants. Space is limited, the conditions for growth and development are artificial, the environment is safe, the goal is duration. Pinus longa Eva is a type of pine that is one of the longest living organisms on the planet. Our Eva is evergreen, decorative and eternally young in endevour/emergence.
She carefully cultivated and preserved herself. From everything. It has the character of a creeper. There is a conflict. And origin. She resembles her future avatar in the digital afterlife. Maybe there is no difference, we don't know. One can smell the sting of a conifer, bristling and alone. In her own will. She likes everything that young people like.


Isidora Stanišić was born on August 14, 1975. in Belgrade. She graduated from the "Lujo Davičo" Ballet School in Belgrade, and then trained abroad. She completed her basic academic studies in the field of choreography at the Institute for Artistic Dance in Belgrade. She works as a contemporary dance teacher at the "Lujo Davičo" Ballet School and Bitef Dance Company. She is the author of numerous performances of contemporary dance expression such as pieces Tin Drum, (National Theatre), Waltzers, Labor Organization (KPGT), Lift, Paranoia Chic, Space for Revolution (Bitef Theatre), A Midsummer Night's Dream (Tivat Culture Center and Bitef Theatre), Goli (Užice National Theatre) and many others others. She is the winner of many awards for performance and choreographic contribution, such as the laureate of the Festival of Choreographic Miniatures, multiple winner of the Parlić Award, as well as the Special Award for Innovation in choreography of the play The City, Golden Badges of the KPZ of Serbia... In 2021 for the play "Afterlife party with Evergreen Eve" in her own performance, she received 3 awards at the Baš Teatar international festival: the Grand Prix for the best play, the award for direction, and the award for visual identity.