The promotion of the book “Anthology of Serbian Contemporary Comedy” by Radomir Putnik, which is published by the Zepter Book World Publishing House, was held yesterday in the Stara Carinarnica restaurant.

RADOMIR PUTNIK (1946) has been an associate of the Festival of Monodrama and Mime for years. He graduated in dramaturgy, and he writes poetry, prose, drama, TV scripts and theatrological essays. His texts have been translated into Macedonian, Romanian, and Hungarian. As the creator of this Anthology, he mentioned in his Note at the end of the book that his motivation behind the selection of comedies stems from his wish to offer his readers insights into some of the most important comedic works written after the Second World War. He is of the opinion that comedy gained its biggest momentum during the ‘60s and ‘70s and that it finally got the place it deserved at the repertoires of theatres both at home and abroad. Along with a substantial Preface, Putnik has written biographies of all comedy writers that he included in the Anthology, thus reminding directors and theatres of comedies which had been unjustly forgotten and removed from repertoires but are still, in fact, quite relevant. “I compiled my selection guided by the principle that each writer should be represented by at least one text, and so 15 comedies which, on the large scale of sub-genres and individual author approaches, give an elaborate insight into the contemporary spheres of the current Serbian comedy”, Putnik pointed out.

The Anthology consists of “Razvojni put Bore Snajdera” (Aleksandar Petrovic), “Generali ili srodstvo po oruzju” (Borislav Pekic), “Kosancicev Venac 7” (Slobodan Selenic), “Kazanova protiv don Zuana” (Miodrag Ilic), “Cudo u Sarganu” (Ljubomir Simovic), “Osmejak svetog Spiridona” (Slobodan Stojanovic), “Siroti mali hrcki” (Gordan Mihic), “Dve leve i dve desne noge” (Milos Nikolic), “Strankadzije” (Radoslav Zlatan Doric), “Je li bilo knezeve vecere” (Vida Ognjenovic), “Zmaj od Srbije” (Miladin Sevarlic”, “Kralj i njegov komediograf” (Milovan Vitezovic), “Kaskader” (Branislav Petkovic), “Nista bez Trifolija” (Rusomir Bogdanovski), and “Grobljanska ulica” (Nebojsa Romcevic).
Photo by: Sanja Veljkovic