The following awards were issued at the awards ceremony for the 43rd Festival of Monodrama and Mime:
The “Maja Dimitrijevic” gold medal for monodrama: Café Daughter, Workshop West Playwrights Theater, performed by Tiffany Ayalik
The gold medal for mime: “The Line” by the playwright and actress Ana Bretschneider, produced by the National Theater of the Timok Frontier
The Miodrag Antic Award – Ljuba Moljac Award for best young actor: Dushica Novakovic, for the role of Draga Obrenovic in the drama named after her
The expert panel of judges consisted of Nebojsha Bradic- director and head of the panel of judges, Nela Mihailovic- drama artist and professor Ivica Klemenc- drama artist.
The audience panel, in a majority of votes, chose Tiffany Ayalik as the recipient of the “Sinisha Dashic” gold medal.
The audience panel consisted of dr. Djordje Vragolov- denist and head of the panel, Iva Burg- graphic designer, Dragana Medic- master’s degree of engineering management, Nada Salacanin Velicki- retired JAT employee, and professor Dragana Maric- phD of Physics.

Elaboration of the Expert panel of judges – “Maja Dimitrijevic” gold medal for monodrama
The expert panel of judges awards Café Daughter, Workshop West Playwrights Theater, performed by Tiffany Ayalik. Tiffany Ayalik brought to life the unique and unrepeatable Yvette Wong, a girl of mixed heritage, with her meticulous performance. She transformed a micro narrative into an exciting narrative which captivates the audience.

Elaboration of the Expert panel of judges- Gold medal for mime
The expert panel of judges awards “The Line”, by playwright and actress Ana Bretschneider, produced by the National Theater of the Timok Frontier. Ana Bretschneider candidly and with the technique of pantomime told the story of the line of life, from childhood to old age, and thus created direct and frank contact with her viewers.

Elaboration of the Expert panel of judges – Miodrag Antic Award- Ljuba Moljac for best young actor
The expert panel of judges awarded Dushica Novakovic for her role as Draga Obrenovic, in the drama named after her. Dushica Novakovic expressed the apprehension and dilemmas of the tragic queen.

Elaboration of the Audience panel
By a majority of votes, Tiffany Ayalik was awarded the “Sinisha Dashic” gold medal for her performance in “Café Daughter”.
The artist convincingly presented multiple characters on the beautiful scene with her energetic performance, accompanied by synchronized audio-visual effects, which only contributed to her leaving an unforgettable impression on the audience.

The panel thanks all of the participants for the creativity they showed, and the organizers for their professionalism and desire to persevere in their intentions in ensuring this festival continues to be successful.



The last, fourth day of the competition part of the festival, the audience had the opportunity to view two plays. The first was “Medea as Material”, directed by Rabia Tlili and Robert Martin. With a chaotic mixture of signals and messages, thoughts and fragments, the play guides the audience from emotion to emotion, which can only be described as Charon’s journey over the river Styx.


The second play was “Post Quartet”, also based on the drama by Heiner Müller, and it represents a combination of performance, post-dramatic theater and stage commentary. In a slow course of allusions, one can discern the allegory of the cave, the scream of modern man whose sound is presented by the theremin, a musical instrument that is controlled without physical touch.


After completing the competition aspect of the program, and during the time when the panel of judges was making their decision, the audience had the opportunity to see two theatrical accomplishments. First, the attendees of the workshop for stage movement, lead by Jelena Gashic, performed. The young participants showed everything from numerous aspects of moving on stage, mise-en-scène, to dance. They were awarded the diploma for participation by the president of the council of the festival, Predrag Miletic.


The second performance was the tango play “Disappeared”. This seven-minute tango-mime was created per request of Igor Juric, the father of the murdered Tijana Juric and founder of the foundation that carries her name. The occasion was the International day of missing children. It is performed by tango dancers as “Belgrade mime artists”, and the play was created as a collaboration of the participants and Marko Stojanovic, who briefly appears on stage.


Following this, the president of the expert panel of judges went on stage and read the decisions of the panel and the awarded contestants. Finally, after the awards ceremony, the president of the council of the festival thanked everybody for the success of the festival and officially closed the 43rd International Festival of Monodrama and Mime.


During the third day of the festival, a simultaneous chess match between grandmaster Alisa Maric and participants and guests of the Festival was held at the Stara Carinarnica Restaurant. This year, the following tried their hand against Alisa Maric: Aleksandar Sasha Gruden- actor, Radomir Putnik- theater expert, Miodrag Bogic – director, Zoran Karajic- director, Milan Sharac – director, Dragan Timotijevic “Belmondo” – photographer, and others. As always, Alisa Maric remained undefeated, the games with Radomir Putnik and Andjelko Ampovski ended with a draw, while the other contestants were defeated. The final score of the simultaneous chess match was eight to one for Alisa Maric.





The second play of the third festival day “Dream-Vision” by Mimart Theater displays the surrealist view of its author Lidija Antonovic and Marko Nektan, presented through the simultaneous conflict and complementary forces between black and white, between order and chaos, message and symbol.


The third play of that day was the music- drama piece with elements of theatrical movement “The World is a Big Cat” by Maya Tangerberg-Grischin. This is a piece about Nikola Tesla, performed in three languages- Serbian, English and Swedish, that is enriched by various musical elements. The diploma for participation was given by Milovan Zdravkovic, the selector of the festival.


The promotion for the book “Anecdotes and Lines from Theater Life” was held by Milovan Zdravkovic, selector of the festival, in the restaurant “Stara carinarnica” in Zemun. The speakers at the book promotion were: Radomir Putnik- theater expert, Mirko Zaric- theater expert, Aleksandra Milosevic- theater expert and editor of the book. Milan Caci Mihailovic told a series of anecdotes, some of which made their way into this book and the actress Branka Pujic read excerpts from the book.